I just got featured in Tom Foster Web Marketing's September 2015 Newsletter on "How to Brand Like the Pros." I really appreciated the shoutout and thought this would be great news to share with my legal tribe.
First of all, I would not be here at all if it were not for people. My clients, my legal staff, and of course my website, or I should say "web presence" (whatever that means). I guess it is all continually evolving. So the point of the story in the newsletter was that "people sell to people." So being a trial lawyer is a "people business" and it that means "people come first." If that also means that I can show myself as a regular person first in my online marketing then great because that is who I am. A regular person who chose to help regular people against big corporate insurance company interests.
So, to this end, the article is below if you would like to read it for yourself. Basically I try my best to be myself whenever possible. I do not want to be the "unreachable or unapproachable lawyer guy." In fact, I would rather people see as who I am, a regular guy who trys his best to make things work out in each injury case I personally take on. So, thanks again to Tom Foster and his marketing team back East in Virginia - without them, I would not have chosen the right website company to send my messages to folks who need it most!