What You Need to Know About San Diego Slip and Fall Claims
First, you need to show that the California owner or occupier of the property or area where the accident occurred is responsible for the serious injuries you suffered.
This would be true if the owner:
- caused the circumstance leading to your San Diego accident, like he/she opened the poorly marked manhole or dislocated the floor tiles; or had control over the property that led to the hazard, like not properly fixing an air conditioner unit that always leaked water; or was selling a product that was stacked high on shelves that fell down (like Costco and other big retailers);
- knew of the dangerous circumstances on the premises but did nothing about it; and
- should have known of the dangerous circumstances on the premises and should have corrected them in his/ her normal duties of managing the property.
In many San Diego accident cases involving slip and falls, the owner's liability is not obvious. You need witnesses, pictures, detailed descriptions of the facilities and unquestionable causation links between the facility, the accident and your injuries. You may also need expert testimony.
Second, your claim must be prepared in such a way that it maximizes your chances of obtaining fair compensation. This requires a thorough knowledge of medical terminology, a network of medical experts, the experience of comparative legal cases and an insider view of insurance companies' calculations and methods.
San Diego slip and fall attorney Mark C. Blane is the compassionate lawyer you'll want on your side after suffering a serious injury in San Diego. Heading a legal team of approachable, competent, yet unwavering San Diego accident attorneys, Mark C. Blane will personally meet you and supervise your slip and fall case.