The cost, prognosis, and treatment of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) from an accident in San Diego is largely dependent on the severity of the injury, but even a mild TBI can have long-lasting impacts that interfere with daily obligations and enjoyments. The high stakes of a TBI necessitate the experience of a San Diego trial lawyer who can manage your case and fight for the compensation you may be entitled to.
The average cost of the medical expenses, surgery fees, and rehabilitative costs associated with TBI can accumulate to tens of thousands of dollars or several million dollars.
The cost of a minor or mild TBI, such as a concussion, averages approximately $85,000. Although the difference between a "mild" and "moderate" injury may seem insignificant in other areas, a moderate TBI averages $941,000 in fees and expenses.
A serious TBI, when all costs, tests, and rehabilitative therapies such as physical, occupational, behavioral, speech, and psychological therapy, are taken into account, averages a price of $3 million. Additionally, the long-term costs associated with caring for someone who has suffered a TBI can range from an extra $600,000 to $1.8 million.
The high stakes associated with TBI mean that you need to take advantage of all avenues of compensation for your brain injury after your accident in San Diego. A San Diego trial lawyer can help you explore and exhaust all of your options for financial security.
Take Control of Your Accident in San Diego by Contacting a San Diego Trial Lawyer
Mark C. Blane and his San Diego trial lawyer team aren't like some of the other San Diego injury attorneys you may have met with or seen ads for around town. Our goal is to educate our clients - even those whose cases we don't take - so that you not only understand the legal process ahead of you but the basics of San Diego injury law and your legal rights.
You can get started by ordering one of our FREE injury guides including Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: What Your Insurance Company Doesn't Want You to Know and Won't Tell You Until It's Too Late! or The 10 Secrets You Need to Know About Your Injury Case Before You Call a Lawyer. Contact us today to schedule your appointment - 888-845-6269 or 619-813-7955. We are proud to serve San Diego's Spanish speaking population and even offer our FREE California personal injury book en Español.
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