Have you been called for a California IME? This video describes what an IME [Independent Medical Exam] is but also what a good injury lawyer can do for you when you are called for one in your personal injury case. Remember, if you have a lawsuit for personal injuries in California, and you are approaching your trial date, the defense as a right to call you for an IME one time before your trial so they can have their medical expert examine you and your claims for bodily injury. This way, in case your injury claim moves to a jury trial, the defense has a medical expert they may call at trial to try and either minimize your injury claim or disagree with it 100%. As you can imagine, the IME is a very important time in your California personal injury case, and it needs to be treated as such. Learn in this video what I do when my client is called for one.

Call me anytime with legal questions on these type of claims in California at (619) 813-7955! I welcome calls ALWAYS! If I don't take your case, I will try my very best to point you in the right direction with your injury claim!

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Mark Blane
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San Diego Personal Injury Lawyer | California Car Accident Attorney