According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 38 percent of households in the United States have at least one dog. These animals can be great companions, but they can also bite. If a dog attacks you or a family member, the result is frequently long-term injuries, psychological trauma, or death. A San Diego dog bite lawyer can help with your case.

8 Injuries Commonly Caused in a Dog Attack

Injuries caused by dog bites in CaliforniaUnfortunately, children are more likely than adults to be bitten by dogs, and their injuries are often more severe. Young children under six are at the greatest risk.

Because dogs have extremely sharp teeth, just one bite can cause significant damage. Our San Diego dog bite lawyer highlights some of the most common injuries victims experience.

Puncture Wounds

Although a puncture wound may not cause much bleeding and only appears to be a minor injury, it needs to be treated right away by a physician. The damage can go deep beneath the skin, leading to severe infections or nerve issues.

Broken Bones

Fractures and broken bones are often quite serious and require expensive medical treatments. Some adult dog bite victims might also require lengthy periods of work to recover. Common injuries include:

  • Broken nose and facial bones
  • Broken arm, wrist, hand, or fingers
  • Broken leg, ankle, or foot
  • Broken ribs
  • Hip fractures
  • Skull fractures

Eye Injuries

If a dog attacks an individual's face and eyes, they can lose or reduce vision. Unfortunately, this is precisely where children are often injured. Damage includes:

  • Corneal abrasion
  • Punctures and ruptures caused by the blunt force of the attack
  • Perforation or dislocation of the lens
  • Orbital fractures, which are fractures of the bones surrounding the eye
  • Intraocular hemorrhage, which is bleeding of the eyeball
  • Loss of an eye

Brain Injuries

Not all injuries caused by dog attacks are from bites. People can suffer different forms of traumatic brain injuries if they fall and hit their heads while running away from animals or if their heads collide with hard surfaces during attacks. Traumatic brain injuries can lead to life-long changes in a person’s vision, mobility, memory, judgment, emotions, and other abilities.

Scarring. Dog bites can cause permanent scarring and disfigurement. Because of their small size, children are often bitten on the face and suffer psychological trauma of visible scars for the rest of their lives.

Nerve Damage. If the dog bite is deep, it can cause nerve damage to a person’s arms, hands, legs, face, or other parts of his body. This can result in life-long pain and limitations in mobility, which can also affect a victim’s quality of life.

Infections. The likelihood of an infection is high when a dog bites someone. Rabies, Pasteurella—a bacterial infection that can cause pneumonia—meningitis, blood infections, and staph and strep infections are a few of the medical complications caused by dog bites. Some infections can be severe and even result in fatalities.

Psychological Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder After a Dog Attack

Dog bite victims—especially children—can suffer psychological problems and post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) from the terror of the attack and the long-term consequences of their injuries. Nightmares, fear of dogs, fear of going outside, and anxiety are a few symptoms of a psychological injury.

Your Right to Compensation If You're Injured in a Dog Attack

Under California’s dog bite laws, the owner of a dog that bites someone is strictly liable to compensate the victim for their injuries. He's responsible even if his dog has never bitten anyone before or if he has no knowledge of the animal's dangerous tendencies. The victim is entitled to financial recovery for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Get in touch with a San Diego dog bite attorney.

Mark Blane
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