One of my favorite parts of doing my monthly newsletter is doing a book review on a book that made an impact in my life so I can share it with others. This type of social currency is one way I can share some positivity into the world.
For this month's monthly client newsletter, I chose "Flow," by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the well-known psychologist at the University of Chicago. He is the one that coined the phrase "Flow" as the time when you do an activity in which you are so enthralled in, that you lose track of time because you are enjoying yourself in the activity. The brain also gets a dopamine rush to encourage further behavior in this particular activity. The activity also allows the person to reflect time and again on the fulfillment which gives a happiness effect that you reflect back on...this loop encourages the activity to take place again and again.
What is interesting is the research all supports that our brains are wired for this experience, and if you become aware of it, you can start noticing what activities put you in this state so you can do more of it. Afterall, enjoying life is one of the greatest treasures we all have the capacity to experience; why not look for more of it whenever you can? You can then start noticing the state in others which is really special.
How Do You Know You Are Going Into A "Flow State?"
This book reads like a roadmap on how to achieve this "Flow State." Csikszentmihalyi says that the activity has to be challenging enough to keep your attention, but not too challenging where you experience anxiety. Likewise, the activity cannot be too easy where you go into a state of apathy and become bored. The balance between these two extremes allows your brain to go into a "Flow Channel" where your experience moves into deep enjoyment.
See graph below:
What Kinds Of Activities Can Achieve Flow?
Any activity that has your interest that turns into a slowly more challenging effort can achieve a "Flow State." For example, spending time with family, your children, work, reading, sports activities, hobbies, and board games. The possibilities are endless as we all have different activities we look forward to doing. Remember, the key is that the activity has a challenge level that gradually increases because, without that element, the activity can lead to a state of apathy which is what you do not boredom.
Boredom is a signal that the activity is not at the level to put you in the "Flow State," or "Flow Channel." For example, mindlessly scrolling through social media would not be considered an activity that would put you in a "Flow State," unless you had a meaningful purpose to it. For example, if you are learning about something new, or doing research for your work in the area that you enjoy, and you what to learn more about. Then, the activity transforms into deep enjoyment and mimicks the feelings you get when you read a really good book or the like.
I hope this video book review strikes a chord in your heart, and perhaps you may order this book yourself or read about what others have said about this book. Apart from that, if you need to speak to an experienced personal injury lawyer about your case, please feel free to reach out to me at 619.813.7955.
Otherwise, I wish you the very best, and stay strong! Attorney Mark C. Blane