Reckless driving is an overwhelming contributing factor in most car accidents in San Diego. If another driver's reckless or negligent behavior on the road led to an accident that injured you or someone you care about, speak with a San Diego car crash lawyer who may be able to help establish liability for the accident and recoup financial damages to defray the high cost of medical treatment and any other expenses you incurred as a result of the crash. Negligent, Careless, and Reckless Driver in San Diego California Texting While Driving

What Constitutes Distracted Driving - and Why

A distraction can be virtually anything that detracts from the driver, focusing on safely controlling the vehicle on the road and reacting to goings-on in the surrounding area.

Distractions may include, but are not limited to: 
  • Making or answering cellphone calls while driving - This is one of the most dangerous distractions that frequently tempt drivers, but many do it daily.
  • Texting - Possibly even more dangerous than making calls while driving, texting while driving not only requires you to look at your phone but also ties up one of your hands that should be on the wheel.
  • Multi-tasking, such as applying makeup or eating - Anything that draws your attention away from the road is a hazard, whether it forces you to use your hands for something other than the operation of the car or pulls your gaze away from your surroundings.
  • Loud music - Playing music loudly can drown out important environmental noises, such as engine sounds or car horns. A recent study also found that brain power is reduced by 40% when listening to music or conversing while driving.
  • Navigating - Pull over if you are lost or unfamiliar with an area. Reading a map can distract your concentration from potential hazards or traffic flow.
  • Aggravated emotional states - Hysteria and anger are two examples of extreme emotional duress that can put a driver in jeopardy when operating a vehicle.  

If you have been in an accident caused by a distracted driver, contact a San Diego car crash lawyer with experience in car accidents in San Diego.

Take Control of Your California Injury Claim by Contacting a San Diego Car Crash Lawyer

San Diego car accident attorney Mark C. Blane and his legal team are different from some of the other San Diego injury attorneys you may have met with or seen ads for around town. Our goal is to educate our clients - even those whose cases we don't take - so that they understand the legal process ahead of them, the basics of San Diego injury law, and their legal rights.

You can get started by ordering one of our FREE injury guides, including Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: What Your Insurance Company Doesn't Want You to Know and Won't Tell You Until It's Too Late! or The 10 Secrets You Need to Know About Your Injury Case Before You Call a Lawyer. Please contact us today to schedule your appointment - 1-888-845-6269 or 1-619-813-7955. We proudly serve San Diego's Spanish-speaking population and even offer our FREE California personal injury book en Español.