A car accident is stressful enough; your San Diego car accident claims process may be exposed to a host of additional complications when you're involved in a car accident and the responsible driver is inadequately insured or not insured at all. A San Diego injury law firm may be able to assist you in successfully pursuing a case against an uninsured or Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage Claims in San Diego California underinsured motorist.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage in San Diego, California Car Accident Claim

The complications of an accident caused by an improperly insured motorist can be mitigated if you have uninsured and underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage. Usually purchased together, uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage is optional to your insurance policy. If you already have UM/UIM coverage, the letters U or UM will likely indicate it on your insurance card.

In most cases in California, you'll already have this provision as part of your policy. Insurance companies must include it in a California automobile policy unless you've specifically declined it in writing.

UM/UIM coverage exists to compensate you for losses sustained when you're hurt in an accident caused by an uninsured driver, so the damages you receive come from your insurance carrier up to the limits of your policy. 

These policies cover:  
  • you;
  • all people who reside in your household;
  • minors who don't live with you; and
  • older children who are away at college.  

It's important to note that a UM/UIM policy doesn't apply only to car accidents. If you're hurt as a bicyclist, motorist, or pedestrian, UM/UIM insurance will cover the damage provided the motorist who caused your injuries was underinsured or uninsured.

Losses Covered by Uninsured/Underinsured Coverage

Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage is meant to compensate for: 
  • medical expenses like doctor's visits and prescriptions;
  • lost wages or lost earning potential;
  • property damage to your car or items inside your car; and
  • pain and suffering.  
For these reasons, it is important that you carefully document the elements of your claim from the moment your accident takes place. Keep copies of all medical bills, property damage estimates, and receipts for any expenses you incur due to the injuries from your accident.

Insurance companies are only required by law to offer UM/UIM coverage up to $30,000 per person and $60,000 per accident, even if your liability coverage is higher than that amount. Additionally, if your policy is lower than $30,000/$60,000, your policy carrier will only distribute UM/UIM coverage in the amount of your policy.

Many insurance companies, however, will allow you to purchase more UM/UIM insurance coverage to equal your standard liability policy. Contact your insurance provider to see if this option is available to you and how much it would be to increase the limits of your UM/UIM coverage.

If you have been injured in a car accident by an uninsured or underinsured driver, ensuring that you have adequate coverage no matter the circumstances of the at-fault motorist's policy is crucial to protecting you, your family, and your future. The San Diego, California, car accident claims process can work for you, and a San Diego injury law firm can help.

Take Control of Your California Claim by Contacting a San Diego Injury Law Firm

Accident attorney Mark C. Blane and his legal team differ from some other San Diego injury attorneys you may have met with or seen ads for around town. Our goal is to educate our clients - even those whose San Diego, California car accident claims we don't take - so that they understand the legal process ahead of them and the basics of San Diego injury law and your legal rights.

You can get started by ordering one of our FREE injury guides, including Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: What Your Insurance Company Doesn't Want You to Know and Won't Tell You Until It's Too Late! or The 10 Secrets You Need to Know About Your Injury Case Before You Call a Lawyer. Contact us today to schedule your appointment - 888-845-6269 or 619-813-7955. We proudly serve San Diego's Spanish-speaking population and even offer our FREE California personal injury book en Español.