I was honored to have been the voice for my injured client who was rear-ended in a car accident in San Diego, California. AAA tried to settled cheap by offering him $60,000.00. My client eventually had nerve ablation therapy (where they burn your nerves), and decompression lumbar surgery by Dr. Paul Kim, M.D. (ortho).
I filed a lawsuit against AAA, and proceeded with discovery and fighting the insurance company. I associated in trial co-counsel attorney Edward "Skip" Babbitt. He and I make a good trial team on certain cases, and we were a formidable team against AAA. We were scheduled for trial in Judge Pressman's court room in downtown San Diego. The at-fault party had a $300,000.00 liability policy, and the defense attorney was out of Los Angeles, of all places.
Most of my client's medical care was paid through private health insurance. I was able to negotiate all the private health insurance down to a very low amount in order to maximize my client's net recovery.
San Diego Superior Court Case No. #37-2014-00041109-CU-PA-CTL
Case Name: Jaime S. Medrano v. Kathleen Marie Naraghi
Trial counsel: Mark Blane, Esq.
Trial co-counsel: Edward J. "Skip" Babbitt, Esq.