San Diego El Cajon Car Accident Attorney obtained a $15,000.00 policy limit settlement for an El Cajon man who sustained soft-tissue type injuries from a rear end car accident. Here is a summary of this man's injuries:
1. Cervical sprain/strain 847.0 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
2. Thoracic sprain/strain 847.1 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
3. Lumbar sprain/strain 847.2 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
4. Displacement of cervical intervertebral 722.0 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
disc without myelopathy
5. Displacement of thoracic intervertebral 722.11 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
disc without myelopathy
6. Displacement of lumbar intervertebral 722.10 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
disc without myelopathy
7. Lumbosacral radiculitis 724.4 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
8. Headache 784.0 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
9. Cervicogenic/Tension headache 307.81 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
10. Dizziness 780.4 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
11. Chest pain 786.5 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
12. Abdominal pain 798.0 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
13. Contusion of back 922.31 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
14. Lumbar, thoracic, and cervical facet 724.86 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
15. Lumbar, thoracic, and cervical 719.5 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
stiffness of the joint
16. Lumbar, thoracic, and cervical 728.85 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
spasm of muscle
17. Lumbar, thoracic, and cervical edema 782.3 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
18. Cervical and thoracic outlet syndrome 363.0 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
19. Sprain of shoulder and upper arm 840.9 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
20. Disorders of bursae and tendons in 726.03 Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
shoulder region
21. Chest wall contusion Unsp. Kaiser Permanente ER
22. Somatic Dysfunction of Thoracic Reg Unsp. Kaiser Permanente
23. Contusion 924.9 Kaiser Permanente
24. Chronic low back pain 724.2 Kaiser Permanente
25. Back sprain Unsp. Kaiser Permanente
26. Hip Unsp. Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
Strain injuries to the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine.
- Kaiser Permanente ER 05/29/08 pg 2 of 4 documents purple ecchymosis on right breast medially 6x7cm.
- Kaiser Permanente ER 05/29/08 pg 2 of 4 documents 7x4cm purple ecchymosis on left outer quad noted.
CPT Treatment Codes:
99204; 72100; 98940; 97140; 99080; 72040; 99213; 99215;
Subsequent Injuries: None |
Prior injury aggravation: None |
05/27/08 08/12/08
Accordingly, you should enter into your analysis that Ms. Acevedo’s duration of treatment with a Medical Doctor was 3 months.
Number of Treatments: approximately 4 visits.
First Date of Chiropractic Treatment Last Date of Chiropractic Treatment
06/10/08 07/30/08
Accordingly, you should enter into your analysis that Ms. Acevedo’s duration of treatment with a Chiropractor was 2 months.
Number of Treatments: approximately 15 visits.
D.C. Prognosis: Future chiropractic care recommended at once a week for the next 4-6 months per Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 5 of 5.
Accident victim was transported to Kaiser Permanente ER via ambulance where he was evaluated and given diagnostics. He followed up with his primary care physician and chiropractic treatment. Accident victim was given conservative therapy and then released to participate in his own recovery. Future medical care was documented in the medical findings.
Kaiser Permanente Ibuprofen 800mg 30 Days +
Kaiser Permanente Acetaminophen 500mg 30 Days +
Kaiser Permanente Vicodin 30 Days +
Kaiser Permanente Meloxicam 15mg 30 Days +
Kaiser Permanente Lorazepam .5mg 30 Days +
Range of Motion:
Cervical Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents loss of cervical range of motion.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 3 of 5 documents reduced cervical range of motion in flexion, extension, left lateral bending, right lateral bending, left rotation, and right rotation.
Range of Motion:
Thoracic Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 3 of 5 documents severe loss of range of motion of the bilateral bending of the thoracic spine.
Range of Motion:
Lumbar Kaiser Permanente ER 06/20/08 pg 2 of 3 documents reduced lumbar spine range of motion in flexion.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 4 of 5 documents reduced lumbar spine range of motion in flexion, extension, left lateral bending, right lateral bending, left rotation, and right rotation.
Headaches: Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 1 of 5 documents headaches right after the accident.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents daily and constant frontal/occipital headaches as a result of the car accident.
Anxiety/Depression: Kaiser Permanente ER 06/20/08 pg 1 of 3 documents anxiety when she talks about the accident.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents anxiety.
Sleep Disruption: Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents sleepless nights.
Numbness: Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 5 of 5 documents numbness and tingling in both hands and loss of grip strength.
Spasms: Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents marked muscle spasms over the upper trapezial muscle ridges bilaterally.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents muscle spasm and guarding in the cervical PVM, SCM’s, scalenes’, suboccipitals, and levators.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents palpation of the paraspinal muscles from L3-L5 were severely spasmodic.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 3 of 5 documents muscle spasms were palpable at T3-T4 bilaterally.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 3 of 5 documents palpable muscle spasms over both first ribs, upper trapezius muscle groups, and anterior scalenes associated with a flexion distraction extension injury of the cervical and thoracic spine.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 3 of 5 documents palpation revealed muscle spasms from L3-L5 bilaterally of the paraspinal muscles.
Radiating Pain: Kaiser Permanente ER 05/27/08 documents chest discomfort.
Kaiser Permanente ER 05/29/08 pg 1 of 4 documents bruising and pain to mid-back.
Kaiser Permanente ER 05/29/08 pg 1 of 4 documents facial pain, mid back pain, right breast pain, and right outer abdominal pain.
Kaiser Permanente ER 05/29/08 pg 2 of 4 documents tenderness of paravertebral muscles of thoracic spine noted.
Kaiser Permanente ER 06/20/08 pg 1 of 3 documents pain across low back.
Kaiser Permanente ER 06/20/08 pg 2 of 3 documents back tenderness in trapezius down to lumbar paraspinals.
Kaiser Permanente ER 08/21/08 pg 1 of 4 documents low back pain.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents severe sharp stabbing pains in low back.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents bilateral low back pain radiating into both legs, more symptomatic on the left.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents severe upper back and cervical pain radiating into both shoulders, elbows, wrist, and hands with swelling.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents pain when rotation neck to the left.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents nose tender from the accident.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents sharp, burning pains into her low back, mid-back, neck, and shoulders.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents palpation of the spinous processes produced tenderness over the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents tenderness bilaterally with pain except for the right levator scapularis muscle and right scalene muscle revealed tenderness with pain.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents palpation of the thoracic spine revealed tenderness and pain of the PVM focused at T2/T3 and again at T3/T4.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents palpation of the paraspinal muscles from L3-L5 were severely tender.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents gluteal and lumbosacral tissue were tender with pain bilaterally and both SI joints were tender with pain.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 3 of 5 documents the cervical compression test was positive in neutral, left, and right producing pain at disc levels C2 & C3.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 3 of 5 documents sharp pains from the Soto Hall test ran all the way down the PVM from C0-T3.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 3 of 5 documents a pain response was elicited on mild palpation over the sterno-costal articulations from T1-T3.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 3 of 5 documents orthopedic testing revealed a positive test bilaterally for Kemps producing sharp and achy pain from L1-L5.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 3 of 5 documents Yeomans test was positive bilaterally and produced sharp shooting pains down the PVM from L3-S1.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 3 of 5 documents Elys testing was positive bilaterally revealing sharp pains into both SI joints.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 3 of 5 documents left sided Bragards testing produced a sharp pain into left leg and back of knee.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 5 of 5 documents severe sharp & stabbing lumbar pains shooting into buttocks and radiating down left leg.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 5 of 5 documents significant low back, mid back, and neck pain.
Range of Motion: Cervical 5 Months Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
Range of Motion: Thoracic 5 Months Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
Range of Motion: Lumbar 5 Months Kaiser Permanente ER
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
Headaches: 5 Months Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
Anxiety/Depression: 5 Months Kaiser Permanente ER
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
Sleep Disruption: 5 Months Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
Numbness: 5 Months Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
Spasms: 5 Months Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
Radiating Pain: 5 Months Kaiser Permanente ER
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C.
Kaiser Permanente X-Ray PA and Lateral Chest 05/27/08
South Bay Family Chiropractic X-Ray A-P Lateral Lumbosacral 06/10/08
South Bay Family Chiropractic X-Ray Cervical A-P Lateral 06/23/08
Kaiser Permanente X-Ray Lumbosacral 08/12/08
Ice/Heat 05/27/08 - 05/31/08 4 Days
Home Exercise Program 05/27/08 - Present 6 Months +
Stretching 05/27/08 - Present 6 Months +
Ambulance : (estimate) $900.00
Kaiser Permanente : (estimate) $1,000.00
South Bay Family Chiropractic : $2,173.00
Mileage Reimbursement @ approx 19 med visits : $143.26
@ 13 miles per round trip @ $.58/mile
TOTAL : $4,216.26
At the time of this accident, accident victim was employed as an Administrative Assistant with San Diego Unified School District. We have enclosed documentation from his employer that supports the following claim for lost income:
May 27, 2008 8hrs.
May 28, 2008 4hrs.
May 29, 2008 4hrs.
May 30, 2008 4hrs.
June 2, 2008 4hrs.
Type of Duty Under Duress: Please see Duties Under Duress Questionnaire under Exhibit 3
Period of Work Duty Duress: 6 Months +
Accident victim experienced sharp, burning pains into her low back, mid-back, neck, and shoulders as she returned to her usual and customary work duties per Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents that his headaches made it difficult to concentrate on tasks and was feeling overwhelmed at her employment.
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents that he is also a caregiver to his mother which requires lifting, bending, pushing, and pulling which are no longer possible as a result of the accident.
Loss of Enjoyment of Life: Please see Loss of Enjoyment of Life Questionnaire under Exhibit 3.
Duration of symptoms: 6 Months +
Dr. Keith Biscotti, D.C. 10/01/08 pg 2 of 5 documents that accident victim experienced difficulty washing, bathing, sweeping, vacuuming, laundry, yard work, garbage, clinging steps, lifting groceries, dressing, and sleep.
The above summary shows how powerful a chiropractor can document injuries and how a good and experienced injury lawyer can, with precise detail, ferret out all injury related symptoms to open up value drivers to benefit the victim in terms of settlement value.