Leslie (and her passenger Isaura) was rear-ended by a negligent driver on the 5 Freeway Northbound. The at-fault party was going at a high rate of speed. Her car was smashed in completely in the back side. Both Leslie, and her passenger Isaura were taken via ambulance to the hospital. Both Leslie and Isaura were referred to my law office through a mutual friend.
When I met both Leslie and Isaura they told me later that they knew within 10 minutes of my meeting them that they wanted me as their lawyer. It was a true honor to represent them and be their voice against the at-fault insurance company. Leslie had injuries that needed medical care. So did Isaura, and if you want to see her testimonial video CLICK HERE for that.
Leslie was working, going to school, and the last thing she needed to worry about was medical care and co-pays. She need assistance on her medical care and I was more than happy to help out on that need. Part of being a good injury lawyer allows the opportunity to help folks with their individualized medical care. It is the core of the injury claim and will ultimately become the "human story" of what happened to a client medically, and what that client is "left with" after medical recovery.
This video briefly shares Leslie's experiences working with me as her injury lawyer. If you or someone you know needs a hard working and caring injury lawyer, please think of me to be that person. I say person because the title "lawyer" comes second in these types of cases. My number is (619) 813-7955.