An automobile insurance company is usually only interested in paying you the least amount of money to settle your auto accident bodily injury claim, but an experienced, competent, and reputable California car accident lawyer will pursue all types of compensation for an auto injury client. This is what "levels the playing field" when it comes to a California vehicle accident and insurance company.
If you or someone you know has been injured in an auto or motorcycle accident, you may be entitled to recover compensation for your injuries and damages. These damages can include the following:
Medical bills and related expenses
For ambulance, emergency room care, hospitalization, doctor visits, surgery care, pain management, physical therapy, acupuncture, or chiropractic treatment, not to mention diagnostic tests like x-rays and MRIs. Recovery of medical bills is not limited to past care; it can also be related to all future medical care too.
A skilled auto accident attorney will pursue recovery of expenses associated with future medical care that you may need in addition to documenting any permanent impairment to any particular body part under the AMA (American Medical Association) 5th Edition guidelines.
(General Damages) Pain and suffering
These damages are associated with injuries sustained in the auto or motorcycle accident. The nature, severity, and duration of your injuries are important factors in computing damages for pain and suffering. In fact, the intensity of your medical care is balanced with the frequency and duration of any and all medical care you go through.
A thorough assessment of these medical damages involves fully understanding the car or motorcycle accident’s impact on your life and its disruptive effects on your daily activities. In fact, any daily duties under duress would need to be duly documented.
(Special Damages) Loss of wages
These damages are due to missed time/income at work. If you are unable to work because of the injuries caused by the car or motorcycle accident, you are entitled to recover the wages you would have earned during the time you missed. If you missed out on any employment bonuses or contracts or the like, you are entitled to receive compensation for that as well.
Under California law, you are entitled to this recovery even if you used sick leave or vacation time to cover your absence! Sometimes, calculating your lost wages may be challenging, especially if you are self-employed or because your earnings are commission-based.
Insurance companies also tend to scrutinize the claimed lost wages of those who are self-employed. In such instances, the services of an expert car accident lawyer will prove invaluable to your case, as well as documenting your lost wages from the California car or motorcycle accident.
(Special Damages) Reduced earning capacity
These damages are unique to your injury case because of ongoing disability from the accident. If you suffered long-term injuries in the auto accident, your ability to earn income may be impacted indefinitely; these medical damages need precise medical documentation in order to prove your claim to the claim adjuster or jury if necessary.
If your injuries are permanent, you may be unable to return to your particular job or may never be able to work again. This is another reason to see if you have an impairment to a particular body part under the AMA 5th Edition guidelines.
A resourceful personal injury attorney will assemble the right team of economic experts to ensure that these anticipated losses are fully integrated into your claim for compensation when that time comes. If a trial is necessary to prove these damages, all the documentation a good attorney can put together can be invaluable to your specific case.