I have personally seen over the years how diet is related to my injured client's healing time from an accident, and how their diet, pre-accident, has caused an entire host of other underlying medical conditions that have hampered their body's ability to assist in the healing process. Believe it or not, the body "wants" to heal itself 24 hours a day, and is a "self-healing" machine when placed in the proper environment. This includes "proper motion" with what is called physical therapy to help with both soft and hard tissue injuries. However, we tend to forget that the internal environment of the body is very important to the overall outer healing process. This is why I have become a big advocate of the proper foods (nutrition) that are so necessary for this healing process. This is just a good thing for anyone to be aware of with or without an accident that causes injuries. Some pre-existing or underlying medical conditions I have seen in my clients when they are injured in a trauma or San Diego car accident: spinal stenosis, auto immune disorder, fibromyalgia, and bursitis. All of these are related to inflammation that are in turn related to the type of food (nutrition) the body has received over time. Give me a call if you have any questions on this interesting topic at (619) 813-7955 - I answer questions like this all the time in San Diego, California.