Accordingly, you should enter into your analysis that Ms. Jackson‘s duration of treatment with a Medical Doctor was 5 months, and 11 days.
Number of Treatments: approximately 23 visits
M.D. Prognosis: Still symptomatic; guarded; 13% Whole Person Permanent Medical Impairment per the AMA 5th Edition for the Cervical and Lumbar Spines, Category II, DRE Method, dated 11/08/06. Future Care Recommended.
Still symptomatic; guarded; 13% Whole Person Permanent Medical Impairment per the AMA 5th Edition for the Cervical and Lumbar Spines, Category II, DRE Method, dated 11/08/06. Future Care Recommended.
The American Medical Association (AMA) Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment 5th Edition dictates the amount of impairment of an individual subsequent to an injury. This is the standard for all health care professionals, and as such serves as the standard of care for any expert used in a trial.
Dr. Michael Moon, M.D. 11/08/06 *13% Whole Person
*Per the AMA 5th Edition for the
Cervical and Lumbar Spines, Category
II, DRE Method.
This Slip and Fall accident delayed my injured client's ability to complete her degree program in Respiratory Therapy. She was a student at the time of this accident (thus no wage loss), but her duties as a student were severely impaired and delayed. Appropriate “severity points” should be assigned based on “duties under duress” per the therapy chart notes enclosed herein.
To this successful end, Mr. Blane used the medical findings as his boxing gloves on this slip and fall case - fortunately, it was enough to help settle this injured lady's injury case, and she was able to obtain a sizable net recovery.