Under California law, social guests are sometimes able to recover from their hosts (the person that invited the social guest who got injured), depending on how their injuries happened.  Here are the guidelines:

Homeowners must tell their guests about, or correct, any dangerous conditions that guests are unlikely to recognize (this is extremely important for California homeowners!). For example, if an injury was caused when a guest tripped on a throw rug, he or she may be able to recover if he/she could prove that the host knew other people had tripped over it in the past, and the guest was unlikely to realize its danger.  Perhaps the danger was not "open or obvious" which means it was "not easily seen by the reasonable person."  The host probably should have warned guests about it, removed it during the party, or secured it to the floor with tape or tacks.

Mark C. Blane is a San Diego Slip and Fall Attorney, and the managing lawyer of the Law Offices of Mark C. Blane, a San Diego, California Premise Liability Law Firm devoted to representing families of injured persons of automobile accidents. If you or someone you love, has been injured or killed in San Diego County, or Southern California, due to the negligence of another, please order your FREE copy of Mr. Blane's book, The 10 Secrets You Need To Know About Your Injury Case, BEFORE You Call A Lawyer. It is full of helpful information, insights, and secrets that will help you protect your legal rights.  It normally sells for $16.95; however, it is free to all California residents, or those injured in a California accident.